Scaredy Cat: roleplay and/or creative writing

Scaredy Cat is a project by Heather Franzen and I must say I fell in love with it the moment I saw it – in fact I’m going to buy this tiny book because it’s cute, adorable and I simply want to have it on my own šŸ™‚ Now – it’s a lovely story and let me share its sweetness with you:


I’ve come up with some activities for my students but as I don’t know them (students, not activities) yet, I have to be prepared for different attitudes. So, maybe they like…

Creative writing:

I divide students in three groups. One group describes the story from the kitten’s point of view, second group – from the cat’s viewpoint and the third group writes a narrative.

Then, together, we make a nice story, with narratives and dialogues, mixing all three compositions.


I divide students in the groups of three and ask them to make their own scenes (with spoken dialogues, of course) based on the story and record it with their phones. The groups of three – where the third person is a director and helps to make up dialogues – are comforting for those students who hate public acting.

For homework, students may be asked to come up with the ideas for the story development: were the cats still friends or maybe the fluffy kitten became a witch’s cat itself?

So, that’s a small idea for a pretty funny activity šŸ™‚

9 thoughts on “Scaredy Cat: roleplay and/or creative writing

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